1. Sorry to disapoint you, but no. Plenty of beautiful feminist women. From Scarlet Johanson to Audrey Hepburn. And many, many more actress and model who are masively recognized as beautiful and openly feminist. Then you have plenty of beautiful feminist in those videos. And those women are hit on.
The reason you want to believe that those beautiful women aren't "really feminist" is because you don't listen to them and wistfulthinking on your part. As in "those women are silly and didn't really understand things. They only need a real men like me to gide them to the truth and stop being feminist". Spoiler, that never happens and those women were well aware that being feminist is better for them Yes, even if they are beautiful.
2. The original article complained about divorce. I agree that you would never marry a woman. And it is a blessing to women that you never married them, they dodged a bullet.
But I want to stop at something you said because it tells about the kind of person you are "I left fiancés in the past precisely because they wanted me to marry them. ". I have noticed that you use the word fiance, not girlfriend or partner. It is telling that to become a fiance you need to either propose marriage to a woman or accept their marriage proposal. Those women expected that you keep your word to them (they one that made you fiances intestead of just boyfriend-girlfriend). So you left them because they expected you to keep your word. And considering your attitude, you never intended to marry, so you lied to them. Yet you feel you are the one wronged?
Sure, you won't love them more if you marry them. But neither you loved them before, since you blatantly lied to them...