A couple of thoughts.
1. We don't know if the proportion of porn consumption is the same among all types or bodies.
2. A man who is overweight can be a good partner.
3. Even a man who watches porn can be a good partner as long a he respects his partner. Some couples enjoy porn together and not all porn is the same. There is even feminist porn.
I agree that finding a good partner is difficult, but those specific things have nothing to do with values, age range, where they live and being available.
There are dateable men. But it is important that you know what you need and want in a partner and prioritize. Perfect body is nice, but most people has flaws and I take the partner that shares housechores and care for me than 6 pack abs. XD Besides, it is a matter of time that you grow old and both of you start having a belly or gaining weight.
So while it is good that you don't prioritize dating and can be happy being single, I don't think it is practical to discard potential partners for being average looking. As long as you are attracted to them, who cares if they are fat?