Acording conservatives. Who decides what is "doing everything right? Usually conservative men that have never, ever, listened to women unless women repeat what they say to make them feel right.
Anyone who bothers to listen to progresive women, would see that the "nice guys" aren't as nice and haven't done everything right. Neither the conservative version of "alpha male/bad guy". That is why women are opting out in significant numbers from dating.
Let's face it, stability when stability means "serve a man" and be forced to be less than you can is shit. The system you like is bad for women. So of course women reject that system completely and don't want commitment to that kind of relationship.
Is fascinating how many of those men who according conservatives have "done everything right" fail to do the smallest and more simple things like asking for a woman's opinion on important decisions. Or dismiss their ideas and feeling in favour of what they want. They don't know how to cook, they don't clean after themselves. They just have a job and are willing to pay for bills. That is not a partner is a patron.
Why aren't you honest and specify what you consider "doing everything right"? Why don't you address how the roles that you arbitrary assign are the real reason women are not paying attention to your "nice guys". Those guys aren't caring, they just perform "chivalry" and expect a "payment" from women in the form of deference. The elephant in the room is that "treat her well" includes treat her as an equal and many "nice guys" fail at that.