And that people who see the imperfections are not good for them precisely for that reason.
Because they have also good things that other people see in them. That people who is able to appreciate them are the ones who could be a good match. Not appreciating the good things in someone automatically discard you as a good match.
Turn it around, if I have a date with a conservative guy who offers me finantial stability but expects me to become a housewife, I'm a terrible match for him. That is not even a defect on him or me. It is just a bad match.
Dating is subjetive by definition. That is the point. There would be men who would say that Scarlet Johanson is not so beautiful. And other people would go "What??", but they won't find her attractive. I don't like Tom Cruise that much myself (I'm weird, I know). And I really love the people who say that for them their partner is the most perfect person in the world. They do know their partner is not literally perfect. But for them it is like that. That is the point, instead of changing, look for the people who can appreciate you.