And would you also agree to support laws about not punishing women with jail if they maim or kill men in order to defend themselves? Or, you know, get revenge if they weren't strong enough to fight? Or if someone they trusted drug them and then the krag maga is not enough to defend themsleves?
Because in my experience, even a simple slap to someone who just touched you against your will is punished harsly while the man who touched you is applauded. Good luck to your daughters if they dislocate an elbow (which is mild damage for krav maga) because even if it is "to enforce a "no", they would be charged with assault.
So how about men taking responsability for their actions and accepting that some things they do are abuse and rape? That yes, it is also rape when they woman doesn't know krav maga and say yes because she fear that the man could kill her if she says "no". Or if the woman is unconscious because she didn't though the man would put something in her drink.
But if you insist on "krag Maga", at least be coherent and make laws that allow for free use of krag maga, unpunished by the law, for women. Make men take our word about "defending ourselves" at face value, not like now, that when a woman ask for an abortion because of rape, they call her a liar. Or when she denounces, they call her a liar. If she uses krav Maga to defend themselves, they would call her a liar, a vindictive bitch that got violent because the man rejected her. And they would punish her even harder than if she just beated someone randomly on the street.
Regardless, any martial art is a good idea. But is not the defence you think it is against rape or abuse.