As you know you could have both. But also, as you know, if there is not attraction on one part, it won't work. And even freindhsip and attraction might no be enough.
My point is that if you value the other person, you would appreciate a friendship even if never becomes something else. And some friendships are better than some romantic relationships. I guess it is experience that gives you perspective on this.
In mine, the men who faked friendship to get closer wouldn't have been good romantic partners either. At least to me, since that show a diference in values that might be overlooked for a friend, but not in a partner.
Anyway, relationships among people can't be simplified like many "dating gurus" and other coaches would like people to believe. There is always nuance and that is what this articles miss when they say how we are supposed to act. In my country mised friendships are common. No one give it a second thought.