What claim? I offered a possibility, not a claim. Why did you not highlight “Maybe”?
Because it was there just to add plausible deniability, didn’t change the meaning. A “maybe” without an “or” in this kind of conversation doesn’t indicate “possibility” but a believe. For example: “Maybe you thought that no one would ask you for data”. Here, even if there is a maybe, the context indicates a “claim”. To be more clear, how things are said also add information.
Life is a plus-sum competition. Men supply the competition, women impose the plus-sum cooperation. (See Lysistrata.) Those roles affect behaviors in other realms of activity at the statistical level. Outliers gonna outlie, but the big numbers go where natural selection of selfish genes send them.
Again, another affirmation that isn’t sustained by data. Which reinforces the patterns. But a simple google search would show you plenty of projects and activities where men cooperate. If you want examples, you only need to think about “mentors” who wouldn’t exist in a world where men “supply” competition. Or “wingman's”, which would be “counterintuitive” to the principle that “men compete to get women”. It is a clear example of how common is for men to cooperate. Or even wikipedia which is a cooperative effort where men dominate. There are plenty of counterexamples that, for some reason, you chose to ignore. Maybe, because they didn’t fit your narrative, ;)
As for women supplying cooperation, well if you punish competitive women (again, plenty of examples from literal witch hunts, to “putting women on their place” as an euphemism for violence, which by the way, was legalized by men for a long time) and reward cooperation is what you get. But there are plenty of competitive women and women who compete with other women or men. Again, simple google searches show plenty of examples. Hell, even there are derogatory terms to refer to women who compete. From catfights, catty.
The thing is that there are few socially approved context where women are allowed to compete, like beauty pageants.
BTW, I could care less what arguments were offered by others about other things.
Neither it seems about the literally thousand of blog post where women say just the opposite than you which would made your “possibility” close to 0%.
Those guys don’t work for me, nor I for them. If you have a rebuttal for me, feel free to offer it.
But you seem to share the same arguments. And I already did, even if you didn’t care for the rebuttal either. And you still haven’t offered data to support your claim while I offered both a link to an study with data an examples.
But if you have a beef with what other people said about other things, please take that up with them.
I don’t have beef, I see a pattern and your new answer reinforce it. You keep fitting well in the pattern. Could I come with a model? Maybe, then again, I might need more data to do so ;)