Because you don't see us a people, but as collectible cards. I mean, you don't want to date a specific person because you like that person and enjoy their company. You want to date many "girls" that other men consider "hot" so you can get approval by other men. That's it. Have you wonder how it feels for a woman to be "another match in a belt?".
To make you understand, imagine that you are dating someone and she show you around expecting to "perform" for her. Pay everything, be nice, helpful, carry her bag, etc. Specially in front of her friends so she can brag about it. But then, you know you are not special to her, that she would change you for a "better" boyfriend at the first opportunity because you are an accesory like the purse. And it is all about her finding validation by having a "boyfriend/husband". Yes, I'm aware that there are women who do this. And it is also wrong.
But normal people don't want to be with someone like that. They want to be with someone they liked them, and that they enjoy to be with. That is the thing, it is not about "being with certain types of girls" is about being with someone. And each person is unique, not a "type".