But he is against freedom of speech. I mean, the "woke" people is using their freedom of speech to asnwer to the people that call themselves "politically incorrect". They already have freedom of speech. But their freedom of speech doesn't mean that they can silence the "woke" people. And if it just happens that they say something others consider "shitty" and people insult them back. Well, that is also freedom of speech.
Asking that the "woke" people remain silent or don't critizice them is silence others and against freedom of speech. You can say what you want, but people are entitled to think you are "whatever" and say so. Or even be rude and blunt and tell their minds in non nice ways. Freedom of speech won't shield you from consequences from your words. If you commit a crime (defamate someone, for example), you'll be tried. If you say something offensive, people might take ofense and not like you anymore. If you say something nice, people might like you.
So say what you want, but accept that there would always be someone who won't like what you said and answer back. And now many paople who used to be denied a voice have joined the conversation. That is what you are seeing with "woke" people. Nothing more, nothing else.