But what you describe is good. I mean, lets say that I'm looking for a man with similar interest than me. That likes to read scify, that enjoys travelling and similar music tastes because that is what I value. In the process I pass a "Devil" (666) because he doesn't read, understand my jokes and hates to travel. That man wants a traditional stay at home wife, which is something I would hate to be.
In this scenario, the best outcome is that I pass him (an that he passes on me) and that we remain single. If as a result he is available when he meets a traditional woman and they end happily married, that is good. Because I would have never been happy being that stay at home submisive wife, but she might be happy. And by remaining single, I would still be available if a man who happens to have similar interest and prefer and independent partner comes along. The relationship that can be great for a traditional woman, would be terrible for me. It would make me miserable because we won't be compatible. And lets be perfectly honest, while I might check some of the "boxes" of that man (for example looks), I would be frustrating for him, since I'm not submissive. He won't be happy either.
The happiness of that couple doesn't detract from my happiness. But being in the wrong relationship not only would make me unhappy, chances are that it reduces my options to find a happy relationship due to being already paired.