Depends on how much weight you put in that "soft" rejection. I mean, if someone swipes left on you (which happens to both men and women), you usually aren't aware of each time they do that and who. In the physical world is similar. You can be at a bar or pub and be hit on by X number of men or not be hit on at all. But basically, any man who is there to meet women and pass on you, is implicitly rejecting you. It is not the end of the world, not terrible and the man is not bad for not hitting on you (In my opinion is the opposite, if they don't like you, they shouldn't hit on you. That is the right thing), but that is a "soft" rejection.
Are married men who are faithful rejecting all the women who aren't his wife? Yes. And that is ok and desired by non open marriages. People see rejection as something that is always bad, so when you talk about rejection, that affects about how that is received.
I guess that being in the receiving end of being approached gives a different perspective. From where I stand, rejection is the default but not bad in itself. I want to be rejected by married men, by men with very different values than me, and by men who won't like my "kirks" or personality traits. In the medium long term is way better than the short-term "likes" or approval for, lets say, dressing sexy and wearing heels.
Not all rejections are the same. And you are right, what might be hurtful is the cummulation of soft rejections, not a single one of those. The thing is that we know that if we wear certain clothes, heels, use makeup, and style our hair, we might get more "likes" but those likes would be "superficial". For some women that is good enough and for others like me is not as interesting.
When men think about women "having it easy", they usually think about the superficial likes. But even those cost work and money, since going to the gym cost money and effort, make up is expensive, going to an hairdresser is expensive, new clothes also cost money and you need to know how to wear all that which takes time and skill. At the end of the day it is a choice and a trade of. And men can do the same (think "metrosexual men"). Is a choice.
As I said, I have approached men I liked. Sometimes they liked me back and sometimes I have been rejected. That has worked well for me even in the rejections, because once you know that they don't like you back, you can move on with the rest of your life and not waste time with "drama". But that is my take, others are free to think differently.