From the outside, it looks like it is similar for traditional or fundamentalists muslins, but I'm not muslim, so it is better if a progressive or feminist muslim explain how things are for them. My grandmas are catholic. Catholicism is quite sexist.
When my grandmas were young, women needed permision from their fathers or husbands to work and to have a bank account. So the only options they have was to marry, become nuns or live outside the sistem as prostitutes or criminals. Unsurprisingly they married and excelled at the "traditional wive" role.
But my mother and aunts when to university and were encouraged to have jobs by those same grandmas. Same with me.
What we are seeing now is that many people are becoming "non practicioners catholics". That is, they are catholics on paper, but they don't go to church except for weddings, funerals and a few milestones. They don't follos the "no sex until marriage" or share the homophobia, the wives aren't submisive anymore, etc. And now some people declare themselves agnostic or even atheist.
What I'm saying is that you are right that cristian or catholic doesn't treat women well either. But I also think it is a trap to compare ourselves with muslims, because that is exactly the excuse that sexist catholics have been using for decades. Specifically they like to talk about burkas and the veil. Sexist and traditional catholics consider themselves "better" or less sexist because they don't make "their women" cover and women can walk unacompanied to places. Catholic women don't need guardians to go do groceries or visit family at other cities. Yet they are terribly sexist in their own way.
Besides, it is not a competition. Even if catholicism were less sexist, that won't make sexism alright. Our grandmas shielded us from the ugly of that time, it is on us to appreciate what they have done but we don't owe them to go back to that. Not that my grandmas would ever want that. XD