I disagree. I think it is about perspective. If you are used to compromise 10% and for the other part to compromise 90%, then changing to 50%/50% would feel as "too much" and the other side "not compromising". After all, you have to compromise 5 times what you used to and the other person is compromising half of what they used to compromise. Of course they think that the other part is "not compromising anymore". Because before a really small gesture went really far and was enough to get your way several times. Now it expected the same effort the other person was making.
And the more traditional the parents, the more difficult is to see for the sons. I mean, they take for granted many of the compromises that women were making without even discusion. Like cooking or cleaning. Some men feel that women should do all and feel that "letting" them work outside home "if they have finished her wife's dutties" is enough. They don't realize that all those cores are as much their responsabilities and that they could work as long as they have also finished the house chores.
The men who are willing to go 50/50 or even 30/70 usually have no problem finding someone. Same as the women who still are willing to go 90%. As for the others, of course it would take more time to find someone. But at the end of the day, compromising 90% make many women resentful and is not good. Better be single than resentful.