I disagree. Many women are ok with men who make less money as long as they respect them and do their share of the housechores. The problem is than many men are still set in the old model where they only have to bring a wage to the house and do nothing else.
Men who have high income, might compensate not doing housechores by hiring someone to do it and usually argue that they don't need to do their share because they are making so much money. But if a man earns less than his partner and expects her to also do all the housework, then it becames (even more) obvious how unequal is the relationships. Basically, if the woman is making more than the man, roles should flip and the man should take the brunt of housechores. But those men don't want to do housechores. They don't want to become househusbands.
So basically, it is perfectly ok to make less money. It is not to expect the traditional roles in that situation.
Anyway, we don't perceive that "man shortage". What we perceive is man who said that they would do their share of the chores, but don't. That usually means marriages that end on divorce.
It is ok. Eventually, society would adapt as always does.