I do understand that there are many types of men, not just two. For example, my boyfriend can afford a stay at home wife/girlfriend but doesn't want that. He prefers a girlfriend who works and have a wage similar to his.
On the other hand, I have met men who expect me to pay for them (since I can afford it) and do everything at home. They offered nothing, just words and excuses. So yes, some men do want trad wifes that pay half or even all the bills. Those men rarely get what they want but that doesn't mean they don't expect or fantasize about that.
And many men who can't provide, do still expect women to do all the hose work due to "gender norms". The typical "this is a women's work". It is usually religious men, many of them christian. Those men exists and are relatively common. Usually they claim to do "half" but doesn't. And when the relationship inevitability fails, they blame "feminism" because now women want "too much". They claim that they have cleaned but have "different standards" or that they "were going to do it but you have no pacience" when the task is left undone for weeks. They convice themselves that they are pulling their weight at home, but things remain undone. And to top it all, they think that pointing this things out is "disrespectful". Or any type of complain. or not doing what they ask/tell to do. Or speaking our minds.
To sum it up, it is usually easier to just break up. After all, not even the 100% providing is worth putting up with being a tradwife. Example: Elon Musk can provide 100%, his partners work. From the singer to the current CEO, both work and are rich too. Jeff Bezos? his wife/girlfriend work and is rich too. At the end of the day, being a tradwife is not that appealing and even women with the chance to be one, might prefer not to.