I don't know what age are you, but I keep seeing people who find partners at all ages. Yes, even retired people at their 80s might meet someone.
If you have friends, you have a lot gained. You might want go to therapy, because findind a partner is not what makes someone "good enough". Lonelyness is hard and I get it that sometimes being the only one who is single is even worse. That is why I would suggest finding more single friends to laught about the usual terrible dates that you need to go into before findind someone who is a good choice for you. And people you can make plans with when your married friends are occupied or don't want to feel as a third wheel.
Sometimes it helps to start a new hobbie to meet new people doing something you enjoy. Or asking friends to introduce you to other single people. That can also help. After that, finding someone is a lot about luck. Just dumb luck and keep trying.