I don't think you get feminist at all. Here you are making a false premise. You seem to believe that feminist want to be "worthy" of the men who insist to act creepy. Sorry, but no. We don't want you or any men to take that "risk". We don't want you or any men to act creepy toward us under the pretense that even if we repeatedly told you we didn't like it, that we did like it. No, we didn't. We want you to stop. And for the men who keep doing those things to stay away. That is why they keep their distances when "you take the risk". I mean, at some point you should consider that the problem aren't feminist, since many of those things that you claim are cute were not considered cute by my grandmas either (very conservative and not feminist) back at their time.
Maybe the problem is that you are taking your "flirting" advice from someone who doesn't have a clue, since I know very conservative men that have no problem at all at not being considered creepy, not getting restraining orders! and well, getting dates. Those men aren't feminist at all, yet, they don't touch woman without consent (for conservative women it is even worse, since touching without consent is like calling them whores which is a no-no), don't follow them (dangerous-creepy, fathers and brothers would beat the crap of you), don't catcall (considered rude), etc.