I guess that looking at sexism in the terms of a system, helps explain things. There is a whole system of punishment and rewards put in place to uphold sexism, racism and other -ism and those who benefit from them.
That is why sometimes seemingly innocuous comments or questions might make them so angry. They point out the flaws in their discourse.
For example, when they say that only “mothers” are real women, you can ask “but what about the nuns?”. Or that women need a men to be the breadwinner, you can point out to widows, who worked, raised children in the past and still were denied the respect and the position a men had for doing just the breadwinning part.
When they say that “men deserve respect for being the breadwinners” you can ask about he woman who are the breadwinners, and so on.
The point is, they rarely have examined the contradictions in their beliefs systems. So if you can subtly point them out, they might become really angry. And Trump’s followers are very, very angry. Not that it would change their vote, but it is a hint that they know that others are not buying their lies and that they know Trump lies to them.