I think there is a correlation between racism and sexism and homophobia. If someone is sexist and homophobe, chances are that they are also racist. If someone is racist, chances are that they are also sexist and homophobes.
It looks as if it is part of the same system. And those who are a the "top" of this arbitrary and unfair system, like to pit the other gropus against each other so they don't pay attention to all of them being screwed.
So while cis-white het men tell white women that they should fear black men, they tell the black men that white women want to "emasculate" them and use their "white privilege" against them. Meanwhile black women receive hate on all sides. And while those groups fight, white men keep enjoying their privileges unchallenged and defende by white women and black men.
At least how it looks to me, because whenever I point out something sexist, one white men tries to change the subject about "African migrants" in Europe or inmigrants in USA. In their heads, that sexism is worse than the one by them. But the fact is that not all immigrants are sexist and many white men are mysogynist. At the end of the day, being recist won't reduce sexism. And being sexist won't reduce racism. The only way is to go for the rooth of the problem: prejudices.