I understand your point. The thing is, what actions exactly are you calling attacks? Have “blues” been beaten like homosexuals couples have been for walking holding hands? Or when women who aren’t submissives are in “conservatives” relationships? Have blues been locked into jail like communist were? No
What you call “censorship” and “boycotts” amount to people stopping watching a show or giving their money to people who are actively lobbying to deny them equal rights. Sorry, but you aren’t entitled to their unconditional support. In fact, you aren’t watching every “woke”show, are you? If not, according to your own criteria, aren’t you censoring them?
Now, let’s discuss the fallacy of “if I have one family member that belongs to a minority I can’t be prejudiced against that minority”. That is obviously a lie and I’m going to give you a clear example. Most people would consider talibans misogynist, right? Well, Talibans have mothers and many times they have daughters. That doesn’t prevent them from being misogynist even if they would claim that they “love women” (they don’t want to be considered gay) and deny them rights. So I don’t know if you are misogynist or not, that depends on things like treating women as people which includes things like supporting the right to choose over their bodies. For example. So you can be all about “women with career or business” and deny them basic human rights like body integrity.
Now, I do believe that you can be a conservative feminist and not misogynist at all, but I also believe that conservatives take support by non conservatives for granted. People aren’t being aggressive towards conservatives, they are speaking up against things they think that are unfair and denying them support they took for granted.
Censorship would be like when you can’t post a nipple in facebook. Or like china, where some things didn’t even appear in google. For example. But conservatives even have their own media. People like Gina Carano can attack all transexual and still get money to make a movie or whatever. And, let's be honest, her words were amplified. Same happen with other conservatives. When you speak, some people would agree, and some won’t like what you said. People who won’t like, won’t support you. That is fair. And goes two ways, since you aren’t supporting liberal media (out of preferences).
But what you call “civil discourse” is something that many times mean “conservatives attack and insult” and the other side remain nice and put up with that. If you want examples, read comment in feminist sites. “Conservatives” (or some of them) might even threaten with rape and death. That is not “civil” yet, it is not a concern for conservatives and that people haven’t been call out for censoring or boycotting. So “to use my free speech” I had to put up with literal threats and insults. And you know what people like you used to tell me? “Grow a thick skin”. Compared with that, stop listening or watching a show doesn’t seem “aggressive”, even if people organize to stop watching it at the same time. It seems to me quite a moderate response to insults. We just are removing ourselves from one sided abuse from some conservatives towards us.
Sorry, but if you want “civil discussion” and not conservatives to listen to you, you might want to work on the aggression and abuse some conservatives send to feminist, homosexuals, transexual, POC, leftist, etc. Until then, the safest answer is to just walk away and if you feel that is “aggressive”, then I hope you would never experience the “civil discourse” we have experienced, you know, the one that conservatives said is “exaggerations” and “looking for offense” everywhere. Most of us would settle by conservatives and haters ignoring us. XD