If we use this definition, then many men hate women. After all, you have desire for women, but you want to help men (because they bring something different for you), not women.
I don't think that was what you really meant, but that is how it can come across. After all, if women "only desired men" but just didn't want to help them (give understanding and a compasionate solution) because they already have enough helping themselves, would you consider it hate?
I agree that men are people and people are complicated. But I don't think that what we see is about evolution, but about culture. For example, women worked the fields and at factories. Physical works. There are plenty of historical records of this.
You talk about compasion and understanding and that is good. But you might want to read and learn about how thing really were and take a look at the real options people have in their lives. Someone with money have more and better options than someone without. It is not a free choice if you can't afford it. The same happens to women, there are "choices" not available to them. So when you claim they wouldn't chose certain jobs, have you considered why? Because maybe the reason is the expectation of taking care of elder parents and children that doesn't allow them time for that kind of job. And maybe they would preffer those jobs, but no one is offering to take care of those elders and childrens instead, so they don't really have a choice.
I agree that men need less presure to perform certain roles. But part of taking away that presure is to look at who benefits from them (usually rich people XD). For example: would you consider that a man who makes less money than his wife and stays at home is emmasculated? If the answer is yes, what happens to the men who become unemplyed in this economy? Could they feel as a failure? Because sometimes are other men who told them they are "not men" if they don't "provide", not their wives. Or those men who kill their wives and suicide, why they do that? Maybe because they can't stand not being in control? Well, maybe it would help is people stop saying that the husband needs to be "dominant". We can go on, but I think it is cleat that many expectations men face came from other men. That is why some of them are in trouble, they don't feel comfortable talking to their male friends. They don't want to disappoint them or be less to their male friends. So they end not asking for the help they need.
If you want to help other men, you can start by ditching many expectations and just accept that masculinity takes many forms. Take the presure away and accept them even if they aren't "traditionally masculine". They aren't failures if they don't provide, or if they don't control a girfriend/wive. Or if they decide to be artist instead of construction workers. Or if they don't date.