If you actually think that being forbiden to open a bank account without a husbands permision is being advantaged, I propose that we apply all the historical laws that limited women's rights to men and see if after a few centuries of that you do still consider that the system was designed to advantage women.
I mean, right now you would need to ask your mother or your wife to be able to work. If they say no, you should stay at home and work there for free. Of course, you won't be able to use the credit card without permision and would need to ask for money even to buy groceries. And if they become angry with you, well, good luck, because they would divorce and left you with nothing.
Then after 30 years of that, make legal that you work, and we would ask why do you think that you are at a disadvantage only because all people in responsibility positions are women who happen to only help other women...
Hint: if you need to deny historical facts, then your theory doesn't work.