If you dismiss opinions on the person who said them and not on the merits of what is said, then you are not using critical thinking, but emotional one. Generation is irrelevant here.
The situation was the same for my grandmas, my mother and me. And it sounds it is going to be similar for next generations of women.
Let me put it straight to you, past generations "good behaviour" was defined by men and women were assigned as rewards by such men. That is what created the idea that "good behaviour was attractive". Now women are chosing by themselves. There is not a single cannon for "good behaviour". Conservative women who are sexist, would claim that "bad boys" because they are manly and such idiotic ideas. While normal women keep saying that they want equal partners who treated them with respect (but what they get is men who claim to do that while don't).
And I' afraid you are completely wrong. Bad boys can be the most boring out there, while good guys can be fun because boring and fun are not associated to good or bad. Those a different traits that are also subjetive. What is fun to me, to some of my friends is boring.
But since "fun" is not associated to being bad, many self proclaimed "good guys" that are also boring, keep failing to keep relationships even when they start acting as "bad boys". They remain boring no matter what. And the supposedly "fun" bad boys, also fail to keep relationships and end in terrible break ups, because fun is not enough to put up with their shit.
The problem of people like her and you is that they insist on seeing men as bidimensional beings instead of the multidimensional people they are. They insist men should have a set of fixed traits or they "won't be men", negating all the different forms of being a men that there are. And doing so, make men boring. And after making men boring (but easily manipulable by them), they try to presure women into being their rewards. Because if women don't play the reward, then the system cracks.
Trying to sell "bad boys" as the ones who "get the girls" is just a way of lowering women expectations. But it is not going to work. Mainly because women have already learned that they can do well on their own and want someone they actually like.
And most women aren't looking to settle before their 30s. It doesn't even make sense to do so when you have your whole life ahead. The ones who want women to settle in their 20s are conservatives, not such women. For you to understand, if in men is normal to wait until their 30s and men want partners with more than just looks, what makes you think women should settle with less than that and earlier? Really, would you settle for a sexy vixen that treats you like shit? Or a dull women that is just nice? Or would you look for someone that is more "well rounded" and has a mix of things you like? This is the same.
Bad boys aren't exciting, they are ridiculously predictable. And they get angry when you don't give a shit about their antics. Maybe at 15 years old you might have some fun playing with them, past 20, you see them as what they are: someone trying hard to be "edgy". And even at 15, you'll get bored fast.
So try to improve your self steem and think of yourself as multidimensional: good and bad is just and axis. Fun or boring is another. Loyal or disloyal, another. And each trait that might be desiderable in a partner is a different axis. Women are looking at the full picture, the full set of traits. The Tates and other dating coaches think men aren't multidimensional, just a the "masculinity according to them" set of traits. No wonder we are bored of that. All the same and not even a decent pick.
And this have been happening for more generations than Gen Z, milenials or the next ones. Try to see women are people, with different tastes and able to see more than "pretend to be nice/supposedly bad and trying hard to be cool and edgy". Because what we see is more like "this guys is nice to his friends but he barely paid attention to his last girlfriend so he would do the same to me and also, he spend all weekend playing videogames while expecting me to watch, so I better go with someone who likes to go out with me and is there when I feel sick and prefer to spend weekend at home. And also, he likes animals and... (and this is an example, because each women would make their different full picture). Anyone who wants to simplify women (or men) is going to fail at dating. That is your problem, you use algorythms and forget you are using algorythms when dealing with the real person. The proof is that you have tried to assign me a generation as a way to dismiss my argument instead of dealing with what is said. Just because you prefer the simplicity of what the original article said. Since it allows you to focus on just one dimension of yourself and not doing the work of being a well rounded person.
Well, it is your choice, I suppose. But if you become the "bad boy" and still fail, maybe remember what I said about multidimension instead of complain about women.