I’ll elaborate. Coordinate a raid and make guild work, requires social intelligence or different egos and interest might ruin it. So an example of how even if you don’t thought there is emotional intelligence involved, there is.
It is no different than leading any software project. The project manager needs to be able not only to lead, but to coach, etc. Also, plenty of gamers have life outside PCs, jobs, families, etcs.
Same way you know some, I know in real life many gamers and are perfectly able to behave well in social situations. There are even gamers who are extroverts.
Stereotypes about gamers are impractical.
Are there introverts? sure, As there are people with low social skills. But only by looking at the number of people who play, it is immediately obvious, that you would find all kinds of people among gamers, same as with the rest of society.
“perfect social skills” means perfectly able to behave in society. In the context I use it, many people would have them. You could translate it as good social skills, doesn’t really matter. The point is, most gamers know how to behave in society and aren’t awkward. Most have jobs, family, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends… Or US is really different from Europe, or that is what I see here.
But the ones who target women? shield themselves talking about stereotypes on men and women and justify their bullshit on that. That is a pattern I have notice and keeps seeing. It seems they find comforting to blame “nature” for their choices. So if the gamers around you don’t have social skills, is because they have chose to not work on them. And maybe they are not working on them because they have found out that people give them a pass if they use certain excuses as “I’m naturally like that”. Where I live that won’t work, so maybe that is the actual difference.
On your own words “your wife worked on her social skills”. So what is making the gamers around you unable to do the same? Nothing, just lack of interest or that they have found a workaround. XD