In relationships, plenty of women listen to their partners. And plenty of men. But there are also people who don't (men, women, straight or gay it applies to all). Finding someone who actually cares is difficult to everyone, not just men. And usually involves a great deal of try and error on the process. Breakhearts are common and also listening and doing the emotional work yourself.
You seem to assume that it works for women, but I don't think that is the case. It works for some women, it works for some men. But many people go through failed relationships where that doesn't happen. It is not exclusive of men. And there is not a fail proof recipe or way to get it right. You can only try, pay attention to what the other person do and do your best.
The only difference here for women is that we are socialized to analize what could we have done better and to blame ourselves (not exactly the best for self love XD) and that might help you to improve on some areas. But if you think that people asking you out (if you are pretty) guarantee a good relationship, you are naive. There are no shortcuts or tricks, you need to put the effort and hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Thats it. And whoever tell you that they can taught you how to make it easy, is trying to make money out of you and lying.
On the other hand, people is atracted to people similar to them. So if you model the kind of behaviour you want in a partner, chances are that the partner you want shows up. You want a traditional wife? model a traditional men. You want a supportive partner? Be supportive to the people in your life. People take notice of those things. Then they do smal gestures that might be missed if you don't pay attention. But if you see them, reciprociate and build from that. But asking for them to show up or for people to change is like screaming on the wind. It might relieve you (good) but after that you need to go back and keep trying.