It is not about police, but people.
Many times, when a woman is not comfortable with a man for something he is done, other people, specially men, automatically side with the man and try to justify what he is done and tell you to "give him a chance" which usually means spends more time with someone who is making you uncomfortable and, basically, increasing the chances that something else happens.
See, Gisele Pelicot went to the doctors, who told her she was being paranoid. Girls are told that "boys would be boys" and many, many other situations where instead of taking whatever it is a face value, they want to "find a reason" for whatever it is to be acceptable or not that bad or not big deal. and when eventually something happens, they say "there was no way to know it would happen". Well, sometimes there are "clues".
For example: You do have a "bystander" when a man is in a group of men and one starts talking about how he got drunk a girl/woman so he can have sex with her. At this point, you do know that if he needs to get her drunk, is because she didn't like him while sober. What does that tells you?
Well, there are many situations like this that are common. We do know someone is acting in a scummy way, yet, we give them a pass. So the person learns that is "OK" or that he can get away with that. And it will escalate because people did nothing the other times.