It is not anecdotical. There are also data. girls and women were surveilled and that is where the stats about 85% girls and women suffering harashment come from. The interesting thing here is that you don't have data or anecdota to support your position, yet you dismiss the one provided by women.
Since the data doesn't "feel right" to you, you simply claim it is anecdotical. Well, let me ask you, how would you gather data? would you ask men if they harash 10 years old girls? You actually think that the men who do it would confess and be honest or do you think that they would lie because saying the truth would be confesing to a crime?
One priest can abuse several children, yet he would never admit, because he would end in jail (or worse). One man can rape several women and won't admit it for the same reaso. The same with abuse and harashment.
But if instead you ask specific questions like "have someone gropped your ass while commuting?" Or "Have you received sexual comments while walking on the street?" you'll get stats about how many women have experienced abuse. It turns out it is the majority. And many men who ask their female relatives feel surprised when they told them their experience that according them doesn't happen because "they have never seen it".
You might want to consider that what is anecdotic are the stories of the women who have never experienced catcalls, gropping or other abuse forms that are considered "low level". They would try to minimize it, but if they are asked yes or no questions that objetivice the actions that are harashment, suddently you get the numbers.