I've heard the "scarcity" excuse more times. But the fact is that sex is not scarce anymore. There are apps and places where people can go to have sex. Easily.
But those men doesn't just want to have sex. They want control. And decide that if they feel attracted to one woman, she should give them sex even if she doesn't want to.
If you just want sex, you would go to places where other people want sex too and look there. But those men don't go there, they harash people who just cross their paths. Hell, even people who want sex and go to places where people go to have sex might not be in the mood at work or at a gym or while walking on the street.
The best analogy I can think of is a neighbour who want to use your home for throwing a party and gets angry when you say no. Why can't he use your house? If your house looks nice and he thinks about what a great party he can have there, why won't you just allow him to do it? Places to host parties are scarce so it is normal that people are always looking for places to host parties. And well, it is perfectly natural that they invite themselves to your parties if you happen to have one. They can see it from their home! --> This is the level of the entitlement. One thing is to want to be invited to a party or that someone throw a party for you. A different thing os to demand it. And if the person demanding is a perfect extranger, it becomes even more ridiculously entitled.
That is, in a nutshell, what we are told we should "just accept". Well, no. We can point out how entitled and rude it is. Until it sinks in.