IWell, children (and by children I mean real children, not the unborn ones), have rights and need to be taken care of. And that should include not just money, but also entitlement to time and attention from their parents.
But that is after a woman has made a choice to continue the pregnancy and give birth. After all, the embrio and the phoetus, doesn't have a right to use other person body to develop. Body integrity takes precedence. Otherwise, you should start considering mandatory blood and marrow donation. After all, there are people who would die if not given a donation and donating blood and marrow won't kill you...
Yet, the logic applied for donations is that it would be cruel to drain blood from an unwilling man. Even if the needle is smaller than the one used for epidural and the pain much less than the one of birth. Less risk, less time of recovery...
But the "unborn" are just the excuse, it never was about life, it is just a better slogan than "go back to the kitchen" and more effective control tool.