Lets just say that I disagree that it is a biological impulse. We are constantly told this by some people. But then, you anthropologist tell a different story. For example, women worked and still work at the fields. That is not new.
And if you can't "rewire", you can't also make it "move forward". That means that the changes that we have seen in just two generation wouldn't have happened if it was biological. Women working and being independent now? Do you think that we have evolved in just two generations since our grandmas? No. We were like this since the begining. It was laws preventing us from owning property or having bank account that make us need providers. Remove the laws and then, just in tow generations, you have the majority of women working outside the house.
As for attraction, the poets and artist that were quite succesful in attracting women, were usually poor and lovers to rich noble women.
As for emotional stability, it is said that women do the emotional work, keep the relationships and so on. I've seen both my grandmas being the ones who arrange family reunions, manage the social life of my grandfathers, calm them when they were troubled...
Sure, a man can do that for you. But I think it is both ways. If you have a emotionaly stable life with you family and friends, you would carry that to your life as a couple. And he should do the same. But it is not "I have a boyfriend/husband" and suddently is all on him (or you). They can give you emotional stability, that comes from within.