Look, if by "she doesn't do what they want for them" you mean dating them, then I'm afraid that she is right. As long as she has been clear about being just friends, they do know that she won't date them. It is on them to respect her enough to believe what she has literally said. I mean, if she has told "maybe one day I could fall in love with you", then she is wrong. But if she has been honest, is on them.
Now, you says that she has offeren to pay. That means she is not using them. When I do a friend a favor and they offer me to pay, I also refuse. That is normal behaviour among friends of any gender. Yes, heterosexual friends of the same gender do that too.
To be fair, were I live it sometimes happen. Some male friends are real friends while other might be pretending to be a friend to get a chance to date. And if you have been there you'll learn to see the difference. But if she is open and honest about not wanting to date them, then it is a them problem because they could have just listen when she told them.
As for them not being profesionals, thats another problem that has nothing to do with friendship. Dating any of them won't make the basement waterproof or the lights to work, because it seems that the real problem is that they didn't do a good job due lack of skill. If she had dated any of those guys, her basement would be still unfixed even if he spent more time in it because the problem is that he didn't know how to do the job. Same with the lights, which any profesional can instal in just one time.
My boyfriend who I love, date and have sex with is not good at those things. So we pay some profesional to do it. No shame on that. I would say that for big fixes you shouldn't rely on friends, since that puts a big burden on them.
She can hire local small business with good reviews. And she can have male friends. Just don't mix things. XD
I agree that she would probably need to see the difference between honest friendship and a man who flirts. But in my culture we are more relaxed about what is considered "real flirting" and I think it is better. Going out every week twice a week is perfectly normal among mixed groups of friends. Going out alone might be different. But it is easier to see these things from the outside. Some men are not honest about their feelings or think that the woman would change their mind. But that is on them. Other men accept there won't be dating and still enjoy the friendship. Those might end being introduced to another friend and nature takes their course. As I said, mixed friendship are normal in my country even when there is one sided attraction that doesn't work out because that attraction can fade and the friendship remain if both chose to.