Look, if you only repeat the arguments that conservative men said then, well, many people in the internet pretend to be what they are not. It won’t be the first time a conservative man create a false account pretending to be a woman. XD
But yes, there are conservative women that believe that women should put up with whatever shit men throw at them in order to prove that they are “strong” and not victims. Sorry dear, but the fact that we can put up with shit, doesn’t mean that we should or want to. That is the difference between us, you choose to be a doormat to not offend men, we don’t care if we offend men, we don’t consider men weak and victims that need special care, you know? They are perfectly able to answer to their actions and not be catered to.
If you bother to read, is the men who come and tell us that we are intimidating without us asking them their opinion. Hint: they do that in order for us to change to cater to their tastes. And they keep coming, even if we told them we are not interested. It would be nice if they just didn’t like us in the distance and leave us alone. But no, they insist, and insist ans send women like you to pester us because they can’t just accept that we are not interested in them or in changing.
This kind of articles are generic answer to that. but same as with real life, men and conservative women can’t simply go their way. But then again, conservative men expect that progressive women “give conservative men a chance” and that, later, “we would see the error of our ways” and become doormats like you, sorry, “super smart” because you are submissive and agree with everything a man say even if it is contradictory at some points. hahaha
I have know intimidating women. Plenty. From CEO’s of some companies to women who are black belt and able to luxate people easily. The ones that rarely get angry, but when they do, you know the person who anger them is in trouble. The head of a human resources department who has got fired several people because small slights? You bet she can be intimidating (and a bully). Or the ones conservative people call “ballbusting”.
And let's face it, some conservative women are more than able to play the double game of pretending they are sweet while manipulating everyone at the same time. And aren’t conservative women always complaining about “whores who break families”? It sound pretty much about conservative women being intimidating about women who enjoy their sexuality. So even if you run in conservative circles, chances are that there are some intimidating women around you. If you never have meet one, then, either you don’t know that many women or you aren’t intelligent enough to identify the potential threat when is there.
My conservative grandmas told me that “I should pretend to be needy and weak”. The key word is pretend. They know is a farce for men’s sake. I guess some women have bought into that too. XD