By breat, they mean "go back to a past where white men dominate". Or with less people of color, segregation, discrimination to women, to gay people, etc. Was the past really great? What parts of the past did they miss? As it happens, one of those parts is to be able to insult people based on color, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Then you have things like "america is for americans" and things like that. That tend to consider certain US citizens as "less valid" and if you look at who is considered non valid, you'll see a clear pattern of racism.
Feminazi: a word meant to compare feminism with nazism because, apparently, asking for body integrity is like invading poland and commiting genocide. No mention of the feminicides that are already happening, of course.
Snowflake: used by people who want to treat others badly when people ask to not be discriminated. As if it was insane to ask for basic respect.
Not all men: "It is so unfair that women complain about harashment."
You could probably find a lot more in 4chan and sites like that.