No. I do understand that. It is you who don't want to accept that many women want men different than you.
You said that "my rules" get in the way of getting a relationship, but that is a lie. I'm in a relationship and doesn't follow your roles, it follows mine.
The fact is that many women do want men who are way different than you and that have different values than you. Those men do exist, they have no problem with reciprocity and doing things to make their partners happy. As a result, the women who are with those men, do things to make those men happy. Things that might not make YOU happy and that you might not like, but that make those men happy.
For example: there are many men who like and enjoy having less presure as "breadwinners" and are perfectly happy doing their share of domestic work. Men who don't like to dominate, but enjoy having a partner to discuss things and reach common agreements or to search solutions as a team. Those men aren't like you and you might call them "not manly" or "emasculated" or whatever other ridiculous label that makes you feel superior or right. But those men are perfectly confident and happy the way they are and have no problem finding partners and being liked by women.
Sometimes I think that the real reason we have this articles is because more and more men and women are realizing that the "traditional" roles screwed them badly and that the more equal and reciprocal relationships work better for them. They see and alternative and that they have choices so they take responsability for their lives and start deciding for themselves instead of doing what old men like you tell them. But that also means less privileges for the men like you. After all, if women have rights, the amount of young women who freely chose old men would reduce compared with the amount of young women who chose that in societies that tells them that theis status depends on how much money their husbands make... If the young girls and women prioritize studying over finding husbands, the old men have less to chose from. If the older women have jobs, you can threaten them with divorce and leaving them with nothing in domestic discussions...
My "rules" (more like preferences) get in the way of men having an upper hand, but not in the way of fullfilling and healthy relationships. and to be fair, the more things I read by you, the less healthier the relationships you propose seem to me.