No, I haven't misunderstand. I happen to understand the difference between rhetoric and actual actions. I do read the laws passed, like the ones that restrict freedom for women or LGTBI and see the contradictions between what you claim to want and what you are actually doing/offering. I do also see the contradictions between the economy you claim to want (free market) and the actual economic laws passed (raised tariffs which, by the way, not only are a barrier for free market, didn't even fixed the trade deficit). That is the thing, I do understand economy and the different economic systems better than you.
That is why I don't buy the "planned economy" you claim progressives want. Because I have studied the quinquenal plans versus japanese "Just in time", socialist (which is not the same as communist) and pure capitalism. Conservatives don't want free market, they do help rich people with tax breaks and soft loans by the government. They also offer government contract to not so efficient companies because they want to cultivate relationships for when they retire from the government (progressives are also guilty of this). I can go on.
My suggestion is that instead of throwing the "marxist" label so much, you try to learn what it actually means when it comes to economy or laws. Also, you might want to learn about "mixed economies" and for which kind of goods work better each system. Also, try to read/see non conservative news from time to time. It won't change your mind, but might give you a better understanding of progressives since many of your claims are completely absurd. Specially the part about redistribution. I mean it is so absurd that makes you sound as if you live in another world. Hell, not even communist Rusia did that (the leaders just keep riches for themselves lol).