No, not hating men. Not liking certain types of men. Specifically the lost causes, which are the men that no matter what, would never listen/understand or accept you as an equal.
Take the men that said that women doesn't know what they want. Or what they are attracted to. They listen to other men tell them supposedly great pick up tactics. When those tactic fail, they decide that it is because women have impossible standards and ignore the fact that the women that just rejected them might date another man with lower income, not as fit or whatever but that treats them better. They would work hard to try to find any excuse for what they failed that doesn't involve "women have different preferences and she simply didn't like me". We can repeat and repeat that, they won't listen to us. Because another men told them that they should insist, to not take no for an answer, to be an "alpha", whatever. So we keep saying no and being ignored. Those are a lost cause and doesn't deserve the effort of explaining things or trying to help.
Is not that difficult to understand. Think about those calls to sell you stuff you doesn't want. Don't you even feel like telling them to fuck off? There you go.
Now think about those preachers that go to your home to preach in person about a religion you doesn't follow. And try to tell you how to live your life even about personal stuff like sex. You try to politely turn them down but they refuse to listen. There you go.
This is how sometimes we experience men telling us who we should date (apparently we should be hypergamous or something), how we should live (we should be submisive in order to be considered "femenine"), what to like (not things labeled as male) and every aspect of our lives including health decisions. All the time, during decades of your life. And they never listen when you told them that no, you don't want that.
At some point, you would say, fuck you and just live your life. Even if it makes them angry or they accuse you of hating them.