No, you are the one who should retake basic logic clases and shool health.
Anal sex won't lead to pregnacy, so not all sex lead to pregnancy. Contraception works most of the time, so many people have sex with the expectation that contraception works and by using contraception are saying "I don't consent to pregnancy but I do want sex".
Since there are sex acts that would never lead to a pregnancy and contraception works most of the time, the idea that sex means pregnancy is false. It could happen, but also could not happen.
Consent to pregnancy comes latter, once pregnant you can decide that you want it or that you won't. Not just that, you can change your mind upon finding out that the pregnancy is going wrong or that circunstances changed. So even someone who has paid for a fertility treatment can stop consenting to a pregnancy if, for example, they find out that they have cancer and need chemoteraphy that is not compatible with a healthy pregnancy.
Your logic is faulty.
But you are almost there. It is about controlling women and telling them when and how they can have sex and how many children they should have regardless of what they want. After all, a young women forced to have a child, might have to drop from school/university and become dependant of an older man who would "rule over her" because she needs someone to support the child.
If it was just about fucking, then it would be also more presure on prosecuting "dead beat dads". But instead, what we see is them trying to ban contraception...