Not really. It takes lots of time and money. Just look at the prices. And when you earn less on average, that spending is a hit on your budget.
On the other hand, men benefit from having a career even if they decide to not date (Same as women beenfit from having a career).
As for height, many women don't care that much about that. And you can "flip ot". Men who are tall by pure genetics, have a "free edge" in dating with no effort at all. And most men would be average height, so no extra difficulty. So it seems a requirement similar to having big breast. Good cleavage gets you more right swipes, not necesarily better dates. XD So yeah, genetics are unfair, but it is the same for women. Not all of us are in the 2% that can become supermodels. Of course there is surgery and apparently you can have surgery to be taller. It is painful, it cost money, but it is an option. Same for women ;)