Notice that Trump didn't tell her that she would get to choose what to do with her body. So not equal rights and responsabilities.
Forced pregnancy and birth followed by optional child support, since many men can just bail if there are no resources to enforce it and since Trump would cut the resources to the ones who enforce child support, well, we would see a lot more deadbeat dads. And women die at childbirth.
But sure, misangry is a problem. The thing is that women being treated as people is not misandry. Unequality is what brings it. Specially against the poor. Wars are fought so the rich can make more money. Rich wanted to seize resources like oil at Irak and made some excuse to go to war. But once they took the oil, human rights were forgotten. Same with all wars, it never was about women and children, but money and politics. But of course it is easy to blame women rather than take a look at patriarchy/capitalism.