On the contrary. What is sad is that you don't realize that while wanted children are to be celebrated, unwanted children are not. That when you force people to have children that they don't want or can't take care of, you have neglected children. That instead of allowing grandparents and specially grandmas to enjoy their grandchilds by only asking them to play or just spend leisure time with them, you want for grandmas to cook, take care of them when ill and basically take a responsibility that is not theirs. All while not asking fathers to step up.
Why your mother in law is taking care of your children instead of YOU doing it? Because you have to work? Ah, but you could cut hours and earn less money. Ah, right, you can't afford to make less money to actually spend time with your children because, in fact, there is not enough help.
No, it is not me who has a sad view. I want people to chose and for both parents to spend time with them. One thing is for the extended family (if the person has any) to take care of children if they want to, another different thing is to impose the responsibility wether they want to or not because otherwise children would be alone or there would be no money. Your comment about your mother in law shows that you have basically passed your responsibility as father to her. At the end of the day, you should ask yourself what would happen if she was sick. Or what happen with people who doesn't have their parents around for whatever reason. You can't claim that there is "a lot of help" when that "help" comes, as always, from women sacrificing for others. Maybe it is time for men to do the sacrifice. Maybe then, it would be less people trying to force pregnancies.
I did addressed your question. Women who doesn't want to continue a pregnancy would be happy the second the pregnancy ends as long as they are not forced to make sacrifices later if they haven't chosed that (aka: care for unwanted children) . People who force pregnancies won't be happy with artificial wombs because it is about controlling women and if the women is not burden with the pregnancy, they lose control. Tehy would claim that it is "unnatural" or a "sin" as they do with contraceptives. It is a clear answer.
The problem is not that people like me don't love children, we do. And since we love them we are aware of all the things they need.
I've noticed that you have chosen to not adress the 17 million childs going hungry in your contry. Those children aren't getting help. Their parents aren't getting help. Now tell the mothers who can't feed the children that they already have, to have another one because "the phoetus might be viable" and they "already have a lot of help". No, not all children have grandmas to "provide love and food". If that was your solution, is falling short.