She was honest. She told Larry that she was waiting for the right man and didn't date him. This means Larry isn't the right man and if he is only interested in dating Sara and not in being friends HE should move one. But he has been told.
And Sara is not chasing Patrick, neither Larry, she is chasing a "Steve", which is someone who would try to understand her even if she has a past, that would support her having a careers and would be able to see the best in her. Or maybe he wants a Mike, which is someone who would listen to her and is confident enought to not care if she flirts or not because she is comming home with her. Or maybe John who shares the same passions as her and whose eyes shine whenever he talks about those and when she talks doesn't interrupt and propose things to try together. Or...
Point is, there are many types of men, your obsesion with "Larry" is reductive to men. And you are as reductive with women. No wonder you offer terrible advice.