So women tell you that they don’t want to be approached on their day to day- That they don’t like it. Then, you do it anyway and, unsurprisingly and accourding to your own words, you have an “amazingly high rate of rejection (and accusation) we all experience.”
One would consider that you are going at it wrong. I mean, my very traditional/sexist grandfather would also consider rude approach an woman he didn’t knew at the street. That was why introductions in the community were made.
There are places and activities were people meet other people. From concerts, to parties, to sports event, before o after a class of any type… Places where small talk is considered polite and give you the opportunity to share something with the other person. Unsurprisingly, that works better. Well, it works if there is interest on both sides.
When my mother was young, people ask for a lighter and use smoking as an excuse for approach in social places (bars, pubs, sports matches and so no). Now young people ask for the other person to take a picture with the phone. And women do it too. I repeat, young women approach men. I’ve do it and it is not that difficult or complicated. If there is interest on both sides, conversation would start, if not, there is not big of a deal.
Some me just stubornly expect that the rest of the world addapt to them instead of considering to change their tactics and then complain about those tactics not working. Well, duh.
By the way, the women who approach men? Are feminist. So if you don’t like feminist, you might want to learn the ways that traditional women like to be approached and it is not on the street. A traditional women would never give her number to a random men in the street because she would be branded a slut and for them that is a big deal. So there. XD
You already have identified situations where people doesn’t want to be approached, try different more social ones. Or ask friends for introductions, like always has been done. Again, not rocket science.