So your article can be summed up as "you can't ask for body integrity and being treated as people instead of incubators because at other parts of the world women are also being mutilated and killed".
You might be uncomfortable with women having human rights. The irony is that body integrity is the right that covers both the right to not be mutilated and to have an abortion or continue the pregnancy. And a forced pregnancy and birth can cause damages as serious as fistulas or even death.
By the way, care to elaborate how asking for body integrity dehumanize men? Do men acording you need to treat women as properties in order to be considered human? We should be denied freedom of speech too because hurting men's feeling dehumanizing them acording you?
Then again you probably don't like the uncomfortable truth that forcing someone through a pregnancy and birth is also torture. Unsurprisingly, the same people who practice genital mutilation and kill women for not wearing hijab agree with you about forced pregnancies and birth. That should tell you something, you agree with the people who mutilate and kill women over abortion. And that is because at its core, you share values with that people. Specifically, you agree that women doesn't deserve human rights such as body integrity.
But we get it, you probably think that we should be grateful that men aren't mutilating and killing us and not stir the pot asking for full human rights. Sorry, but doesn't work that way. We give up on body integrity and the next would be that we also start seeing genital mutilation and killing there. Because once you accept that women aren't fully human, it becomes easier to deny other rights.
Now start the mantra about how "unborn babies" should have the right to use a woman's body, hurt her (but claim that we shouldn't say this because pregnancy is not an illness and when you forced a birth is suddently painless) and even kill her because the live of the "unborn baby" is a lot more important than the life of a woman. It won't change the fact that in all countries where abortion is forbidden, women die in botched abortions, are imprisoned for miscarriages and children become orphans and die because of hunger, since their mothers aren't able to feed so many mouths. And girls are forced into children marriage to continue the cicle of abuse. You are supporting all this, since it is what happens when you ban abortion. Go ahead and look what happens in africa when you ban abortion.
For me it is clear that your problem is not with modern feminism or even with feminism, but with women and children.