Sure, chosing to have a career provides me a stable income that doesn't depend on pleasing a man. As a result I'm free to chose a partner that respects me and make me happy. It took time to find it, but I did.
As it happens, I also got to have fun while young. What I haven't achieved is to get rid of the self called "high value men" who still pester me from time to time.
While you keep repeating "build something meaninful", you never go into what that looks like. The tradwife thing is depresing for many women and not meaningful at all. But I've seen women who followed your advice regret it at their 30s or 40s, when they have children but not career and the so called "high value" men treat them as the service. Some of those even cheat. But they can't easily leave them, because they have no jobs that provide income.
Just a though, the "meaninful" relationship you claim that can be build with those "high value men", doesn't have space for compasion for women who make mistakes. Is it really that meaningful then?
Because following can be a mistake too and also lead to missing oportunities. Have you considered being less judgemental towards young women?