The fact is that historically, children were put to work. And given as aprentices to learn trades. When that happened, the children were given to strangers for the rest of their lives.
And as much as you love your children, not taking them to school, limits their opportunities and choices in live. After all, if you are good at maths but mediocre at history, but your chilcren wants to be a historian, your child might end not being qualified for a history major even if it would have been talented for that. In school, you have specialiced teachers for all subjects. Also, if things aren¡t as good as they should at home, it gives them other adults to rely on.
And if you have 7 children, how much time are devoting to each of them? Certainly, if you are teaching the younger to read, you arenit teaching the older algorithms. And if you are cleaning and cooking, you aren't teaching the children any if the sumjects they should learn, maybe cooking or cleaning, but not physics or language.
Cancer is natural, medicine is not natural. Natural doesn't mean good necesarily. Neither I think staying home is more natural. Mamy people is social, and it is natural for children to want to spend time with other children from other families. Also it is natural that families and friends help each other in raising children. Hence the "it gets a town to raise a child" ;)