The rich girl has a head start on money, them poor men has a head start on being taken seriously and risking rape. Both have different sets of "head starts" in the same way that being white has its own sets of advantages. Or being born in a "rich" country versus a poor country.
On the other hand, a rich boy, would have two sets of advantages for an even greater head start.
To see it clearly, think about the daughters of a single alcoholic mother who might be forced into prostitution to pay for the mother's alcohol. Those girls exist too. Or maybe those girls would be told that they "have it easy" because they can "marry up" (not study, of course XD). And that they "would always can find men who pay for them" (ignoring the fact that that is prostitution and denying them to grow up and have an education).
I don't see life as a race, but I do see how people is born with "sets" of advantages and disadvantages and that equality is a myth. Once you are aware, you can try to overcome your disadvantages, but in the same way that you seem to resent your lack of opportunities because your single mother, women can't help but see the differences on how we are treated.
I for one appreciate my parents and it is the least I could do, because I had that head start. But that doesn't deny the obstacles I had to face because I *might* get pregnant some day. Or because people assumed things because I'm a woman. Or the additional useless duties at the office because "as a woman" you are "suredly better at organizing birthdays/parties/whatever extracurricular activity". Are those terrible? Not all, but they all add up and take from other things like free time. And not count for raises or promotions. You might become "liked" sure, but being liked doesn't pay bills.
At the end of the day, one thing doesn't deny the other.