Elisa Mariño
2 min readJan 8, 2019


There are a few (really few) Catholic priest that aren’t homophobes. Of course, those priest won’t say any of the things you say on your article. An example (on spanish):

He is in a priest near “chueca” a gay neighbourhood in Madrid. He chose to defy the pope to baptist children with gay parents. Of course he faces punishment from the Pope and the bishops. He also opens his church so poor people can sleep there at night. And he has also been reprimanded for that. Point is, he has rebeled and faces being excomunicated for that. Only the neighbourhood support keeps him there. Since the old heterosexual believers who go to church like him and would stop coming to church if they take away father Angel. Since he is old, is a matter of time he retires or die, the church have decided to wait. But he is an exception.

On other parish, they refused to allow a gay man to be godfather to his nephew even if the parents wanted him to be the godfather. He complained and people support him, but the priest still refused.

The point is, a catholic who is not homophobe would rebel against hate speech and other discriminations. You could say they are required to rebel against homophobia if they are consequent with their faith (loving the other). But sadly it is unlikely that would happen because the Pope are in a war against equality and wants to reinforce rigid gender roles that includes demonicing gay, transexual and feminist. I guess in a way it is all linked. After all is difficult to justify that women should serve “god and men” (specially the second XD) once you start seeing men and women in all kind of roles. And gay couples show that there are many different ways to be a couple (or even poliamori) and all kind of roles in a relationship (or outside). Once you see that men can cook and clean or be submisive and women be leaders, is difficult to justify denying women to be part of the church leadership on equal ground. And right now nuns are the ones taking care of all the cleaning, cooking and taking care of the elder priest (and there are more than priest). Imagine what would happen if they start competing for the priesthoods, to be bishops or even become pope… Or maybe is just plain hate.

Either way you are right, the reasons for their homophobia are not important, the important thing is that they are full of hate and should stop.



Elisa Mariño

Fiction is the art to tell lies to show truths. Politics is the art to use truths to tell lies.