They rarely use that specif phrasing but they tend to say things like this:
"He is a nice guy, you should give him an oportunity"
"He is just a little awkward but if you get to know him, you'll like him"
"Sure that was wrong, but he is really stressed, you should understand"
"Do you really want to ruin his life for a simple mistake?"
"You are over reacting, you should be more patiente with him because [reason that only apply to men but would never be valid for a woman]"
"He only need a good wife to set him straight"
"He needs more support from his girlfriend"
"It is different, he has a lot of presure (as if women didn't)"
"Are you sure you didn't misunderstand? Maybe if you try to explain it nicely..."
I could go on, but the addition of this phrases over time amount to "try to manage or fix a man, clean his social messes and give him undeterminate amount of opportunities"
And yes, sometimes those things are said by other women so you put up with their brothers, sons, grandson, etc.
Luckyly it is becoming less frequent.