To be fair, this time of history is also skipped in Spain now. The right don't want children to learn about that time and many old people were indoctrinated in the regime so they buy their lies. There was a public propaganda TV (Nodo) that spreaded the "fake news" at the time. They rewrote history and taught their version in schools, censored books, movies, song and anything that they didn't liked...
The damage done still last and there are still people who defend that. And, of course, the extreme right is quite fond of France and now they refuse to celebrate his death. Acording them it fractures the country.
The religious adoctrination is that bad that some people have gone to trial because they have made a literal joke that mix a Cow with a Saint image. on 2025. and while it is unlikely it ends in jail, the fact that they can still denounce something like that, should tell you how bad it was back then an how much things need still to be fixed from that time.