Trailers are also spoilers and people won't complain about them. And I've seen ambigous trigger warnings that doesn't spoil what happen. Also it is easy to ignore a piece of text if you are not interested.
The only thing that trigger warnings do is to prevent that other people are forcefed content they don't want. That's it. I don't really get why some people need for others to see things they don't like to the point of surprising them with it. Let them decide for themselves. People saw 13 reasons despite the triggers and it was a hit. The trigger warnings didn't spoil the plot for them.
Now, what do you call "overuse"? That they use triggers for things that you don't consider "such a big deal"? Well, maybe others disagree with you about what is and isn't a big deal. It reminds me of a series Z terror movie we saw when we were teenagers. There was the typical alien woman that castrate men, lots of gore and such. The boys were more affected, for them it was a big deal, more terrible than the killing itself. They probably would have appreciated trigger warnings. In the same way, people with phobia of needles react strongly to certain scenes. Just let people decide for themselves. Movies are for fun, no reason for people to have a bad time or feel uncomfortable.